
I LOVE Shakeology! I look forward to it everyday and it makes me feel amazing! This is a one of a kind shake that is truly the 'healthiest meal of the day'. With 70+ ingredients, Shakeology contains 23 vitamins and minerals in an easily absorbable formula. Unlike other shakes, it is not loaded with artificial sweeteners or refined sugars. Shakeology is also caffeine free, gluten-free, certified low glycemic index, and it tastes delicious!

What it did for me:
After about a week of drinking Shakeology, my digestion regulated and I felt an energy boost. My cravings for sweets and carbs started to decrease and basically have STOPPED from about 1 month  into it! Sure I do get the occasional craving once in a while (usually around that beautiful time of the month), but it is significantly less than before. Another bonus is that I rarely get sick and when I do it is a little runny nose. I don't catch everything my kids and their cousins catch and I am not down like I was before.

If you want to gain energy, regulate your digestion, lose weight, lower cholesterol, or just be healthier and feel great; Shakeology is for you! You get everything you need in this shake for only $4.00 a day! There is also a bottom of the bag guarantee. If after the 30 days, you find out that Shakeology is not for you, return it for a refund. What do you have to lose? If you would like further information or to place your order CLICK HERE. Make sure to order on monthly auto-ship to get free shipping. Want to save 25% on your monthly Shakeology? Check out the coaching opportunity.